Do I have to sleep in the cabins?

-No, you may bring your own tents, or camp in your vehicle if you wish!
- Please be careful when camping in a car and be aware of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning!
- If you run an extension cord from  ANY outlet to a vehicle or tent you WILL be charged an RV hookup fee, as per park policy. This is the state park's rule, and non negotiable - If you require ANY power to your vehicle or tent please let registration know and the fee can be paid upon badge pickup.
-Please be aware that there is no bedding provided in the cabins, you must bring your own.

When can I arrive?

Furry Retreat starts on Thursday, October 3rd, and you can show up at any point from then through Sunday. There will be early setup, mainly for staff, on Wednesday, October 2nd at 4pm. No one is allowed to arrive before then.

When do I have to leave?

Furry Retreat ends on Sunday, October 6th, but you may stay overnight in to Monday, October 7th, but you must be completely packed up and leave by 10am.

What should I bring?

Bedding such as sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows. Sundry items such as a tooth brush and toothpaste, hair brush, soap, and deodorant. A jacket is recommended, as it can get cold at night.

Are meals provided for us?
- No, though we do have traditions such as Fajita Friday. Please remember to pack adequate food stuffs! We do, generally, have a number of foodies in attendance who will gladly cook up something with whatever you provide them, and many attendees donate extra food for others, but we highly recommend not relying on this if you have any special dietary needs. There is a grocery store, in town, 5 miles from the park. Water is available on-site.

How does the kitchen work?

The kitchen, and dishes, are available for use by attendees, however you must go through Corsi (or a designated stand-in) to obtain permission, and you are expected to clean up after yourself. This includes any dishes you may use. Anyone found leaving a mess in the kitchen will be hunted down and forced to clean it from top to bottom, and will not be allowed to use it again!

May I use space in the fridge?
Refrigerator space is primarily for food donated to the event. Some space is set aside for those who register at the Happy Camper level, but keep in mind that any food left in the fridge on Sunday is assumed donated. (this assumption does not include alcohol)

Space will be available in the refrigerator, regardless of registration level, for medication that requires refrigeration.

Are there Day Passes available?

-YES! If you only have one day to come spend with us you're absolutely welcome to join us! Day passes may be purchased on site for $20. 

When does Pre-Reg Close?

-One week before the event starts.

- Do you offer refunds?

Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to fulfill refund requests.


What activities can I do? 

-Aside from the numerous activities such as hiking, horseback riding, etc.  That our location offers Furry Retreat is unique in that we don't really have a set schedule every year! All our events are hosted by campers like you! If you'd like to host an event please contact us and we'll add it to the "Events" Section of our website for other campers to see. We'll also have a schedule board on location that can be added to on the fly.

-If you'd like to partake in any activity the park offers, such as horseback riding, please note that is NOT included in your registration and must be organized and paid for at your responsibility.

- Please be advised that parking in any location other than the group camp will require you to pay for parking. Passes are $8/day for Oklahoma residents and $10 a day for out of state residents. Passes may be purchased from the park office at the entrance to the park and are your responsibility.

I've Lost something!

-Please be extra careful and keep an eye on all of your personal items! If you lost something please be sure to check with staff, it may have already been turned into them! 

-Alternatively, if you come across something that appears lost, please check the item into registration!  Be advised Furry Retreat is NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items!

Can I bring my kids?
-NO! Furry Retreat is and always has been an event intended for 18+ individuals! We will check IDs and turn away anyone under 18 at the door, no exceptions.